Where Are You At In Raiding?

I've added a poll to the website that asks the question: Where does your next progression boss reside?

What I'm trying to figure out is where my readers are at in terms of raiding. Are you just getting started with Naxx? Are you still attacking Ulduar? Maybe you're in Trial of the Crusader, or have started on Heroic mode.

Poll will be up for one week.


Anonymous said…
You should have made it check boxes instead, I run 25 regular, as in normal modes on classic 25 format. But I run with a pretty serious 10 man group and I consider that to be where my real progression comes from.

Wankster of Magtheridon
Resonate said…
We still need to take down Yogg 25 and do most of the 25 hardmodes, but aside from that our "progression" is going to be focused on ToC Heroic 25.
Honors Code said…
Great point Wankster. I did change it to allow multiple answers, but doing that wiped out all the votes so far. So if you voted befoe the chance, please vote again.
Anonymous said…
Gee, no option for "I haven't set foot in a raid since Kara during the closing days of BC, but still aspire to being ready if I ever have enough guildmates to try something."

Admittedly, the simple answer is I don't raid, so the poll doesn't apply. But I read anyway because I'm the sort who wants to be able to tackle new stuff, even if I won't readily leave friends (guildmates) behind to do so.
Kaziel said…
My guild is currently working our way through Ulduar 10. We're not populous enough to do 25 man anything on our own, but I'm happy with just doing 10 mans.

We're working on the Keepers right now, and have started doing some of the easier hard modes for the ones leading up to them.
Rhii said…
Where's the option for gearing up? I suppose getting into Naxx 10 would be progression for me, but I don't think that's really what the poll intended.
Anonymous said…
Also currently unable to raid at all...
Ardent Defender said…
Well Raiding progression for me is somewhat suspended or in Limbo if I can say that. I basically haven't really raided since my ex-longtime guild broke up on my now last server since early May or so a few months ago. After that guild broke up I pretty much just lost a bit of whatever drive I had at the time since.

Naxx 25 was done. We did 10 man Ulduar and got ad far as Freya. That's as far as my Raid Progression went before guild broke up and everyone moved on to other things.

I simply moved on and started all over. Just not raiding at the moment. Raiding is in limbo for me. Just doing other thing at the moment.

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