
Showing posts with the label Macros

Burning Crusade Classic Protection Paladin Guide: Macros

I love Macros. They can be really helpful in accomplishing many tasks in game. Most of the Macros I use today are Pickup Macros. They are used to help me pickup targets quickly and make up for my 30something years old reaction time. General Flash Divine Shield #showtooltip Divine Shield #show Divine Shield /cast Divine Shield /cancelaura [modifier:alt] Divine Shield If I spam it with alt down, it casts Divine Shield then cancels. With no alt down it stays up. I use this in a couple of ways. For one, it's my Fear break. I hit this Fear is gone and I'm back in action. It's also a debuff remover. Hit this, debuff is gone. Most of the time when I use this, I get aggro back so quick, the party doesn't even know I bubbled. I use this when I'm tanking Nightbane or one of the Ogril'la dragons. Healthstone /use Master Healthstone This will use the highest Healthstone you have in your bags so you don't need to bind a key for each of the 3 different Healthstones you ca...