The New Class WoW Needs
WoW’s next class? It needs to be the Fighter-Mage. Basically this idea came about because I love tanking, but I prefer ranged DPS to melee DPS. The only way to have both Ranged DPS and tanking would be to roll a druid, but if you don’t enjoy Boomkin and Guardian you are out of luck. It’s time to change that. In my days playing Pen and Paper DnD there was this concept of playing a dual classed character. What if we brought that to WoW? Currently you are limited to 2 specs from a choice of three. What I propose is to make that a choice of 2 specs from a choice of 33. Maybe you are an Arm Warrior/Frost Mage, or a Holy Priest/Demonology Warlock. I would make mine a Protection Paladin/Beastmastery Hunter. Since the introduction of the new talent system, the individual specs of the classes have become more and more distinct. Each spec has a specific kit of tools. A Retribution Paladin has more in common with an Arms Warrior than he does with a Prot or Holy Paladin. He can’t eve...