WoW: Honors takes the 10 Years – 10 Questions survey
A couple of blogs I read regularly, including Boldly Nerd and Blessing of Kings , have posted a 10 year anniversary survey for World of Warcraft. It started on the blog ALT:ernative which I discovered through this challenge. I decided I would take it as well. I unsubscribed to WoW at the beginning of this year. I went to play Galactic Starfighter in SWTOR and then as that was waning, I moved on to Wildstar. I will be returning to WoW for Warlords and I’m currently perusing the Guild Recruitment forums looking for a good community. I hope I can find a place with cool, mature people that are friendly to my decidedly casual playtime and odd schedule. Why did you start playing World of Warcraft? My friend got a job at Blizzard Entertainment as a GM. One of the perks was two free subscriptions and he gave one to me. I had wanted to try WoW out on multiple occasions but I could never justify spending $15/month on a game. With the money barrier removed, I dove into WoW. This w...