
Showing posts from August, 2019

Honors Update: Back to the Paladin

Well, its been a minute since my last update. Between writing for Blizzard Watch, streaming and real life, updates here will probably be few and far between. For the most part, I think I made the right choice to go with my Hunter as my main for Battle for Azeroth . Some of the early War Campaign stuff would have felt terrible on my Paladin. Liadrin is one of the Horde commanders in the Batte of Stromgarde. Honors spent most of Legion traveling around the Broken Isles with her. He wouldn't want to fight her. I always knew I'd level Honors (my original Paladin) to the cap, but he was my third toon after my Hunter (Theogrun) and my Tauren Druid (Tivonicus). As I started to play Honors in the waning days of 8.1, I was having a blast with him, even as Ret. Our raid team went through some shakeups and the leadership put out a blanket statement that if anyone wanted to change mains, roles or specs, now was the time. When 8.2 dropped, I switched to Paladin as my main. My Hunter has...