
Showing posts from May, 2021

Burning Crusade Classic Protection Paladin Guide : Rotation

Back to the Guide Opener Buff Righteous Fury Buff whatever Blessing you've been assigned Devotion Aura Seal of Wisdom Avenger's Shield (can be combined with a Misdirect from your Hunters) Consecration. If the boss is moving towards you, move to the back edge of your Consecration so to the boss gets a tick before they reach melee range. *For some bosses, you'll be running in and want to 'flip' the boss. This means running through them, and setting up on the other side. The boss will spin around, putting their backs to your melee. Holy Shield Judgement (this should be the Judgment of Wisdom debuff on the boss) Seal of Vengance (build) Exorcism (If the boss is Undead or Demons Rotation Holy Shield on cooldown. As soon as it's under 2 second on the cooldown, start spamming your Holy Shield button. Holy Shield must not drop off. That is your primary objective. Consecration on cooldown. Consecrate will always come after Holy Shield. Even though Consecrate’s cooldown...

Burning Crusade Classic Protection Paladin Guide : Resist gear

Back to Guide Uncritiable For a few select fights in Burning Crusade Classic , you may need resistance gear. For a tank, your gear will need to reach two important breakpoints: 365 Resistance (of that specific resistance), and 490 Defense (uncritable). You can also use Resilience on gear to help you reach uncritable. 1% Crit Reduction = 59.25 Defense Rating = 25 Defense Skill 1% Crit Reduction = 39.1 Resilience Rating. 1% Crit Reduction = 39.1 resilience rating = 59.25 defense rating For every point of Resilience you have, you can reduce the 490 Defense cap required by 0.625 Caveats: The following list will not contain random Uncommon resistance gear. Thie BoE gear that can be used to fill in the gaps for achieving the resistance cap of 365. Note: Paladin Aura/Hunter Aura/Priest Prayer of Shadow Protection/Shaman Totems DO NOT stack. Gear with all Resistances This gear has all Resistances and can be used in any of the specific Resistance encounters. Syrannis' Mystic Sheen (Cloak - ...