Single Digits

Ah Karazhan. I love the place. My favorite nights of the week are the nights I know I'm logging to lead a band of friends and Heroes into the gaping maw of the legions in Kara who want nothing more than to turn our intrepid band into worm food.

Our daring crew last night consisted of Me (Prot Paladin), Aleks (Prot Warrior), Baconstrip (Resto Druid), Calexis (Holy Priest), Rhubarb (Holy Paladin), Wichita (Elemental Shaman), Regolos (Afflication Warlock), Condramous (Stormwind Portal Mage), Jagdelf (Beast Mastery Hunter), Origami (Feral Druid).

First we meet up with the Maiden of Virtue. I know this will sound strange after my gear rant, but what I really wanted to see her drop was Gloves of the Treemender for Bacon, or even a Shard of the Virtuous for Calexis. But she was giving up neither. Instead, she drops Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden. My gloves! These are even better than my Tier 4 gloves which drop off of Curator.

I was so excited, yet at the same time kind of bummed for Bacon. I know what its like to want a drop and not get it time after time after time.

Next up we skipped Illhoof and Aran and proceeded to Chess. Sylvara, one of our guild Rogues had asked to sub in for Chess. Since I had already done the event and I wanted Aleks to get any tank drop that may come from Chess, I left the raid and Sylvara in my place. Apparently Chess drops some ZOMG shoulders he wants. I was only too happy to oblige. The group one shots the event. Some Feral boots drop for Origami, but nothing for Sylvara or Aleks. Bummer.

We continue to work on trash and do the final pulls leading up to Prince. Did I ever mention how much I love having a Warrior with me. I got to over 16k hit points with all the buffs I had including Commanding Shout (thank you Aleks!)

We fought Prince 3 or 4 times. Our best attempt was 7% when I died. I keep getting burst down. If the Healers have to move, I'm toast. Then the final attempt, I got burst down just as their heals were about to land. I think we've really got a good shot at bringing him down soon.

I had a blast last night and I hope the rest of the raid did as well.


Bacon said…
Fun times last night! I hope you are feeling better today. I am fighting a nasty head cold myself.

As for the Maiden drops, it's cool. I am very happy that you got those gauntlets. You have paid your dues and finally got a plate drop.

The Chess drops were Forestlord Strider boots and Mithril Chain of Heroism. I got the boots (healing leather) and the neckpiece went to Origami.

The only healing drops I need off the first bosses are the gloves from Maiden or Curator. So as much as it pains me to say this, I will sit to help gear the other healers. I have felt pretty bad that Calexis has missed out 2 or 3 times for the shard. Additionally, I think Sweatyz and the other 2 pallies (Mif and Aus-something) will want the shard as well.
Frankie said…
Grats on your Maiden droppings!
Honors Code said…
I'd just hate to see the Treemenders drop and you not be there.

We usually take three healers so taking you doesn't mean we can't take Cale or Sweatyz. Plus if the Shard drops they can get it and if the Gloves drop they are all yours.

Now to just work on Moroes and his Belt.
Origami said…
If someone is not in the raid when you kill a boss but you sub them in before looting, does that someone still get a chance to roll on the loot? Or in the case of the master looter, be able to receive the loot from the master looter?

(See where I'm going with this?)
Honors Code said…
We tried this on a Moroes kill. Ferth was playing Sameth. Master looter was on. I looted to see the loots but hadn't assigned anything. Ferth logs off Sameth and log into Ferth and joins the Raid. Ferth's name was unavailable to assign loot to.

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