Clothes Make The Man

I have no less than 6 sets of equipment I maintain, and lug around with me. There is actually a 7th (PVP Healer), but I don't usually have that on in my bags.

Raid Tank Set

Uncrushable, 12k Health, 13.7k Armor, 498 Defense, 243 spell damage, 4.3k mana

Eternium Greathelm, Strength of the Untamed, Spaulders of the Righteous, Devilshark Cape, Jadeskull Breastplate, Bracers of the Green Frotress, Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden, Sha'tari Vindicator's Waistguard, Timewarden's Leggings, Boots of Elusion, Violet Signet of the Great Protector, Andormu's Tear, Dawnstone Crab, Darkmoon Card: Vengence, Crystalforged Sword, Crest of Sha'tar, Libram of Repentance

Heroic Tank Set
12.7k Health, 13.7k Armor, 490 Defense, 200 spell damage, 4k mana

Eternium Greathelm, Strength of the Untamed, Spaulders of the Righteous, Devilshark Cape, Jadeskull Breastplate, Bracers of the Green Frotress, Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden, Girdle of the Immovable, Timewarden's Leggings, Boots of Elusion, Violet Signet of the Great Protector, Eternium Band of the Sentry, Dawnstone Crab, Darkmoon Card: Vengence, Crystalforged Sword, Crest of Sha'tar, Libram of Repentance

Offtank (Shadow Tank) Set
10k Health, 13k Armor, 490 Defense, 300 spell damage, 6k mana

Helm of the Righteous, Strength of the Untamed, Spauders of the Righteous, Devilshark Cape, Breastplate of the Righteous, Bracers of the Green Fortress, Justicar Handguards, Girdle of the Immovable, Legplates of the Righteous, Boots of Elusion, Voilet Signet of the Great Protector, Andormu's Tear, Dawnstone Crab, Darkmoon Card: Vengence, Crystalforged Sword, Crest of Sha'tar, Libram of Eternal Rest

5 man set
10k Health, 12k Armor, 485 Defense, 400 spell damage, 5k mana

PVE Healer
Mask of Penance, A'dals Recovery Necklace, Merciless Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders, Red Riding Cloak, Breastplate of the Righteous, Veteran's Ornamented Bracers, Merciless Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves, Lightwarden's Girdle, Timewarden's Leggings, Boots of Valiance, Cenarion Ring of Casting, Ring of the Silver Hand, Oshu'gun Relic, Lowercity Prayerbook

PVP Healer
9.3k health, 8.4k mana, 196 Resilence, 747 +healing
Mask of Penance, A'dals Recovery Necklace, Merciless Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders, Mithril Bark Cloak, Breastplate of the Righteous, Veteran's Ornamented Bracers, Merciless Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves, Lightwarden's Girdle, Timewarden's Leggings, Boots of Valiance, Cenarion Ring of Casting, Ring of the Silver Hand, Runed Fungalcap, Medalion of the Alliance, Hammer of the Penetent, Crystal Pulse Shield, Libram of the Lightbringer



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