One More Badge Analysis

I made this data into a (in my humble opinion) easier to read format here: (also at the end of this post)


I'll start by comparing each Badge Belt to it Kara counterpart:

Irontusk Girdle(60 Badges) versus Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable (own)For your 60 Badges you get: 88 Armor, 9 Stamina, 33 Dodge, and 1.6% more Pure Avoidance. You lose 3 defense, 20 Block Rating, and 1% less Uncrushability.

Girdle of the Protector(60 Badges) versus Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable (own) For your 60 Badges, you get: 88 Armor, 4 Stamina, 27 Dodge, 18 Spell Hit, 23 Spell Damage, and 0.78% more Pure Avoidance. You lose 13 Defense, 20 Block Rating, and less 1.98% Uncrushability.

Next I compare each belt to its SSC counterpart:

Girdle of the Protector(60 Badges) versus Belt of the Guardian (SSC Pattern)
Protector has less Stamina (-8), Defense (-8), Block Value (-33), Intellect (-13), Spell Damage (-2), but more Dodge (27), Spell Hit (18), Uncrushability (0.90%), and Pure Avoidance (1.03%)

Irontusk Girdle(60 Badges) versus Girdle of the Invulnerable (Leotheras)
Irontusk has less Defense (1), Parry (29), 0.24% less Uncrushability, and 0.23% less Pure Avoidance, but more Stamina (8), Dodge (14).

Finally, I compare the Badge Belts to each other.

Irontusk Girdle(60 Badges) versus Girdle of the Protector(60 Badges)
Protector has less Stamina (5), Defense (10), Dodge (6), 1% less Uncrushability, and 0.82% less Pure Avoidance, but more Spell Damage (23) and Spell Hit (18).


First the Badge Boots against their Kara competition.

Sabatons of the Righteous Defender (60 Badges) versus Boots of Elusion (own)
For 60 Badges you gain 108 Armor, 11 Stam, 30 Block Value, and 23 spell damage, and two Gem Slots. You give up 5 Defense, and 38 dodge. You also lose 2.35% Uncrushability and 2.26% Pure Avoidance.

Sabatons of the Righteous Defender(60 Badges) veruss Battlescar Boots (own)
For 60 Badges you gain 108 Armor, 17 Stamina, 30 Block Value, and 23 Spell Damage. You give up 5 Defense, 21 Parry, 18 strength. You give up 1% Uncrushability and 0.92% Pure Avoidance.

Next I compare the Badge Boots to their ZA Counterparts.

Sabatons of the Righteous Defender(60 Badges) versus Jungle Stompers (ZA - Bear)
Jungle Stompers have 28 Block Rating, +2 Defense, +12 Block Value, -23 Spell Damage, 1 less Gem Slot, Stompers gain 3.69% Uncrushability, and 0.10% Pure Avoidance.


Badges Bracers versus their Kara competition

Bracers of the Ancient Phalanx (35 Badges) versus Vanbracers of Courage (own)
Gain : 69 Armor / 12 Stamina / 8 Defense / 22 Expertise / 0.54% Uncrushability / 0.40% Pure Avoidance Lose: -33 Block Value, -1 Gem Slot

Bracers of the Ancient Phalanx (35 Badges) versus Bracers of the Green Fortress (own) Gain : 122 Armor / 6 Stamina / 22 Expertise Lose: 10 dodge / 0.13% Uncrushability / 0.23% Pure Avoidance

Bracers of the Ancient Phalanx (35 Badges) versus Wristguards of Determination (Void Reaver)
Gain : 8 Stamina 22 Expertise Lose: 1 Defense, 13 Block Rating, 19 Dodge 2.73% Uncrushability, 1.06% Pure Avoidance


I compare the Badge Gloves to their Kara competition.
Bonefist Guantlets(60 Badges) versus Iron Guantlets of the Maiden(own) For your 60 Badges, you get 99 Armor, 12 Stamina, 30 Parry, 21 Hit, and 0.15% more Pure Avoidance. You lose 16 defense, 17 Block Rating, 38 Block Value and 2.28% Uncrushability.

Bonefist Guantlets(60 Badges) versus Justicar Guantlets(own)
For your 60 Badges, you get 61 Armor, 17 Stamina, 30 Parry, 21 Hit Rating and 2 Gem Slots you lose 23 Defense, 35 Block Value, 24 Intellect, 27 Spell Damage, .59% Uncrushability, .20% Pure Avoidance

Here's the chart:


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