"Hosted" Raids or Ninja Targets

Tuesday night Mal Katai went back into SSC and killed our farm bosses, Lurker and Hydross. Hydross was a normal one shot. Lurker would have joined him but he despawned coming to the surface at 1%. We pulled again and killed him.

I got myself killed about halfway through the second attempt, but one of the Feral Druids was able to pick up my add flawlessly.

Unfortunately, that was all we had time for. In fact had we not gotten him down that attempt, we would have started losing people.

It was a fairly typical Mal Katai raid. Start time was 8pm, first pull was after 9pm. It took that long to fill the raid.

We had a healer who went emo and left the raid (mid pull) after losing out on loot. We use a customized DKP system which we call MKP. He had less MKP than one of the other Holy Paladins, so the other Paladin got the loot.

I can understand being disappointed when you loose out on loot, but you know the system going in. Our DKP heavily favors people who farm mats for our raids. We also get all of our Pots, Elixirs, and Flasks provided to us. I endorse a system that rewards those who farm their butts off for the rest of us.

Leaving a raid mid pull could be grounds for a gkick or at the very least not getting invited back next raid, but we really need healers.

A couple of people in my guild got worried when I put an application in on Bloodsky’s site. Bloodsky is the most progressed guild on our server. They currently host SSC and TK raids with some of their undergeared people. I contacted a buddy of mine, Paymon. Paymon and me go back to our Heroes days, and we were both in Heroes first Attumen kill. I asked him who I should talk to about getting in their TK raid. Mal Katai isn’t planning on doing TK this week, so it wouldn’t harm them in anyway. We’ve had Saturday raids cancelled twice in the last three weeks, so I figured my Saturday might be free.

Paymon told me to put an app on their website, which I did. My app has been locked and no one contacted me so I concluded that they are not interested. I was clear to them that I could not make their start times since they start raids at 5pm Saturday, which is way too early for me.

It was suggested to me by one of my guildmates that this “hosting” of raids is little more than a way for Bloddsky to ninja geared and skilled players from other guilds. If that what it is, I was naive enough not to see it. I wasn’t looking to join their guild.

I do have concerns about Mal Katai. It seems groups and raids in particular are getting harder to put together. I’m not sure how many more “Raids Cancelled” nights I can deal with.


Ardent Defender said…
Ninja Targets maybe, but what top end raid group don't need constant talents or put forth various methods to find new talents. Who knows.

Can understand the point of view though with every botched raid or not progressing at times in raids plays into. Some players wanting to perform while at times others not playing to the same level thus things may go progressively well at times. There is never always a clear answer to say what one is to do, which way to go sometimes. So I really can't say because more thought come into play at any one point

As for me i'll ponder my decisions when it come to the ones i face and why. I'll make my decisions when i must. I'll live with any decision i make when its made and be firm on it. After its made good or bad decision i'll live with whatever decision i made to stay or move on. The only person that can truly understand the weight of any decision is the player themselves.
Anonymous said…
I dont know why it would take an hour to fill the raid Tuesday night. If invites really did start at 8, it took well over an hour for anyone to ask me about it, and I've been to almost every SSC raid so far, and I know several of our regular Kara people were on and werent a part of the raid. I think people are just getting on later because they know that invites never even ever go out at the stated time.

Also, Fridays are usually busy nights for me every week as it is. When faced with the possibility of WoW or real life stuff, normally I'd be split. But now that there's stuff like only 17 people were on anyways, it just makes me more inclined to not even consider the WoW half of a Friday night.

I agree with you though, something needs to be changed. What exactly though, I'm not sure.
Anonymous said…
The problem has been with healers..

17 people in the raid and then trying to get enough healers on has been the problem.

Raist btw..when healers turn you down it makes it tough
Anonymous said…
Err, this is the first anonymous poster again. I goofed up in my post. I meant to say almost an hour, not over an hour. Dont want anyone confusing me for someone else that may have been invited later on in the raid.

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