Man On Fire
Last night Dominion was back in Black Temple. We were working on Terron Gorefiend.
I have not had the opportunity to tank Gorefiend yet, so my contribution is usually dispel duty. This frees up a ‘real’ healer to help heal the raid. The past couple of times my Raid Leader has been asking me to improve the speed of my dispel so less ticks of the Incinerate get off.
My set up right now is using the Addon GRID. I place Grid near the center of my screen and hover my mouse over it. As soon as I see the debuff in Grid, I click on the square (which targets the person) and spam my 9 key (bound to Cleanse).
I don't know anyway I can do it any faster. My reaction speed is pretty good. We have two dedicated dispellers and I beat the other guy to the punch about half the time.
I am dedicated to dispelling. I don’t throw any heals except immediately after the dispel. Incinerate must have some sort of cooldown, so I can generally throw on or two heals without a problem.
It especially gets rough later in the encounter. The Raid damage has increased from the Blooms or a possible loose Construct, and just a single tick of Incinerate can be enough to kill someone.
I'm going to put up a post on Maintankadin and see if anyone there has some suggestions. I'd also love to hear if anyone reading has any tricks or suggestions that would help me get the dispells off faster than I am now.
My Fire Resist gear for Illidan is just about all set. I have a set that puts me at 368 Fire Resist and uncrittable, but I put in a bid on a ring that has 1 more Fire Resist and about 10 more stamina. Having that one extra Fire Resist on the ring would allow me to change a Void Sphere out for a stamina gem.
The seller did not put a buy out on the ring, so I sent him an in game mail to see if he would sell it to me for twice as much as he was asking, but I haven't heard back from him yet, and the Ring auction was cancelled.
Once I have my suit all decided on, I’ll post it up for anyone who might be trying to come up with their Fire Resist suit as well.
I have not had the opportunity to tank Gorefiend yet, so my contribution is usually dispel duty. This frees up a ‘real’ healer to help heal the raid. The past couple of times my Raid Leader has been asking me to improve the speed of my dispel so less ticks of the Incinerate get off.
My set up right now is using the Addon GRID. I place Grid near the center of my screen and hover my mouse over it. As soon as I see the debuff in Grid, I click on the square (which targets the person) and spam my 9 key (bound to Cleanse).
I don't know anyway I can do it any faster. My reaction speed is pretty good. We have two dedicated dispellers and I beat the other guy to the punch about half the time.
I am dedicated to dispelling. I don’t throw any heals except immediately after the dispel. Incinerate must have some sort of cooldown, so I can generally throw on or two heals without a problem.
It especially gets rough later in the encounter. The Raid damage has increased from the Blooms or a possible loose Construct, and just a single tick of Incinerate can be enough to kill someone.
I'm going to put up a post on Maintankadin and see if anyone there has some suggestions. I'd also love to hear if anyone reading has any tricks or suggestions that would help me get the dispells off faster than I am now.
My Fire Resist gear for Illidan is just about all set. I have a set that puts me at 368 Fire Resist and uncrittable, but I put in a bid on a ring that has 1 more Fire Resist and about 10 more stamina. Having that one extra Fire Resist on the ring would allow me to change a Void Sphere out for a stamina gem.
The seller did not put a buy out on the ring, so I sent him an in game mail to see if he would sell it to me for twice as much as he was asking, but I haven't heard back from him yet, and the Ring auction was cancelled.
Once I have my suit all decided on, I’ll post it up for anyone who might be trying to come up with their Fire Resist suit as well.
Hope that helps
Tankadin, sometimes healadin always bringing teh pain... adin
I think it can do more than that as well, but I rarely cleanse.
/cast [target=mouseover, noharm] Cleanse
Then you just need to hover over the square and press the button. You save yourself the extra click and change of targets.
(I also do this with my regular healing spells.)
While I'm sure Decursive is great, I will offer up a mod that is an all in one healing mod that you can also bind your cleanse too (as well as BoP, BoF, all heals, etc).
It's called Healbot Continued (, and it's a raid frame replacement that lets you bind mouse clicks (which can be combined with key modifiers like shift or ctrl) to various heals.
As an example, my left click is FoL, my middle is cleanse, and right is HL8. My shift left is HL4, shift middle is Vial of the Sunwell, and shift right is HL11.
While decursive excels in one thing, I feel the Healbot is the total package if you find yourself offhealing sometimes. I personally don't know how I ever healed without it.
Good luck with BT,
I used to use the click-cast-retarget method, but in all the chaos, it caused my threat to go down because I'd stop attacking. Now I use a macro which will try to cleanse my mouseover target first, and if not will fall through to the regular spell. Just be careful about where you aim your mouse if you're trying to cleanse yourself! (I use Grid for targeting, FWIW)
/cast [target=mouseover,help] Cleanse, Cleanse
I had a similar macro with some /targetfocus and then /target [target=focustarget] stuff for Maiden; I haven't had to cleanse in there for a while, but it made it super-easy to get the right person targeted. I still think I like the Grid/mouseover combo better. I'm not sure I've tried Decursive, though -- I'll have to check it out.
You set up a modifier+mousebutton pair to cast a spell when you use it on a unitframe. This is far faster than selecting them THEN hitting a keybind.
When I middle-click on a party member's unitframe, it bubbles them. Alt+Middleclick = DI. When I shift-rightclick on a mob, it throws my shield at them. When I control-click a partymate, little heal. Shift-click = big heal.
I actually use this on all my characters, but it's really handy for healing duties and "oh crap" stuff like bubbles and taunts. I do use Decursive, but the only real time I need it is for Maiden, since I don't do big raids yet. I could just as easily set up a Clique bind, but I think I keep Decursive out of habit.
That way, you cleanse faster.
Oh, until they completely killed the downranking, left button on grid frame is flash of light, right button is holy light. Shift-CTRL-ALT gives different rank of those spells.
With Clique you can bind a spell (e.g. cleanse) to a key/mouse button (e.g. right click) , and then by just right clicking on the Grid, will cleanse that person.