Congrats! Been reading for a while now. I keep telling myself I'll start blogging again at the start of WoTLK. Nice job getting to 500, keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on 500, though I don't see another 500 in Honor's future. I saw the preview for Star Wars Old Republic in the Holiday PC Gamer and it's even tempting to ME. I hate sci-fi. It's too bad, too. I really like hearing about Honor's adventures.
I’ve made some changes based on the comments, and may continue to do so. As I worked up my Hunter’s Engineering, I got to the point of choosing between Goblin and Gnome Engineering. I’m doing this with an eye towards Cataclysm. I found very little help in several web searches, so I thought I would use my own reasoning as a guide to others who might be facing this choice. There was some talk about removing specializations from professions which would remove the choice entirely. I actually hoped this was route the developers would take. The profession specializations have been removed from Leatherworking, Tailoring, and Blacksmithing. They have NOT been removed from Engineering or Alchemy. Jewelcrafting, Inscription, and Enchanting never had specializations to begin with. As of this writing (11.27.2010) Goblin and Gnome Engineering are still in play. However, there are no known Goblin or Gnome specialization recipes for 80 to 85, and if you base it on the materials needed the las...
I mentioned towards the end of my last post that I would be switching my Hunter from Skinning to Engineering. Well the little caveat I made about not gimping myself turned out to be pretty important. I had a brief Twitter conversation with Fiest the Rogue. If you care about high end PVE raiding, you need to be following @ FiesttheRogue . He is a tremendous resource and very helpful. He gave me a link to an EJ article and explained to me that for melee DPS and Hunters Engineering is not competitive with what is provided by the other professions. Its fantastic for casters apparently, but I'm not a caster. Other classes can get equal STR or INT to the AGI you see here. Tanks have the option for Stamina. Alchemy - mixology (longer, better flasks), Alchemist Stone (special trinket - Mastery), and Flask of Enhancement (special flask +80 AGI) Blacksmithing - socket bracers, gloves (2 extra gems ~=+80 AGI) Enchanting - Ring Enchants (AGI to two rings ~= 80 AGI) Inscription -...
Thanks to Matticus to telling me about this on Twitter. mmo-champion has produced a new Raid Composition tool, you can see it here: On the left you have all 30 'classes'. Every spec of every class is presented. In the center are your groups. I have no idea why they have this set up with 8 groups. You'd only ever see 8 groups (40 players) in AV and you have almost 0 control over the composition in that arena. Then on the right you have the raid buffs, and a count of Healers, Ranged, Melee, and Tanks. You drag the class from the left and drop it on the raid group slot. Your count is increased, and the buffs that you have covered light up in green. Let me pick a class/spec completely at random. Protection Paladin. There. Say you pull over a Protection Paladin and put them in group 1. Your Tank count goes to 1 and you can see Mana Restore (Judgement of Wisdom), Melee Attack Speed Slow (Judgement of the Just), and Healing Received (Impro...