Welcome Home You

When I left home to be who I am
Some people said "No Way"
But I laid it all down, gave everything
In my head rang the words that my father said

You're never far
I will be where you are
and when you come to me
I will open my arms

Welcome Home, you
I know you by name
How do you do?
I shine because of you today
So come and sit down
Tell me how you are
I know son, it's good just to see your face.

Those are lyrics to a song call "Welcome Home" by Brian Littrell, and my way of saying I've finally gotten off the fence and decided to return to my old guild of Mal Katai.

In the end, I decided that I just couldn't make the commitment and emotional investment I'd need to make to run a guild. It was an idea that was starting to sound better when I wasn't in game than when I was. One thing I noticed is how many guilds were fun by husband/wife teams. I'm not sure why that is. My wife does not play WoW, so I'd be flying solo in that regard.

I still believe there is a niche for a progressive 10 man guild, and that several guilds will pop up to fill that niche.

I received a very warm welcome upon my return, and I was humbled by all the nice comments thrown my way.

We never know what the future holds for us personally or for our guilds. Guilds, like people, change and evolve over time. But whatever happens, I can go forward knowing that I'll be journeying alongside people whose company I enjoy, and for whatever crazy reason, seem to enjoy my company as well.

For now, I can concentrate on leveling up Honorshammer and trying to make him as good of a Paladin tank as I can. I'll try to follow some advice my Mom gave me years ago and take things 'one day at a time'.

I'd like to say a 'Thank You' to the officers of Mal Katai for allowing me to return to your ranks.

With any luck, this will be the last 'Guild' post I have make for a long, long time.


Anonymous said…
Again all I can say is welcome back! And that I am really happy to have you back in MK. But on a side note you have inspired me to do a few things which you should see in the next few days if not by the end of tonight. And I really need to thank you for so... Thank You Honors!

(yeah so my pw was not working so it is anonymous >.>)
Anonymous said…
Welcome back Honors:)

Ardent Defender said…
Actually glad you decided to finally get off the fence and either way make a decision and move forward. Your in familiar company now with one of your previous guild.

Good to know your blog won't have to change much as we'll being a member of your guild. They read your blog though.

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