Holiday Reading

Once again, I've been inspired by World of Matticus. Sydera was talking about how many of us find ourselves without time or access to World of Warcraft this time of year. You may be stuck on a long car trip or flight to Grandma's house. She went on to talk about some recommended reading to get you through your time away.

As I was commenting on the topic, I felt like I should flesh it out and make it into my own topic. And seeing as I didn't really have a topic for today, this works rather well.

First up on the Honorshammer Suggested Reading List is The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. The first two books in the series have recently been made into films. Narnia is a magical land filled with mythical creatures and talking animals.

The first book in the series, The Lion, The Witch, and Wardrobe introduces four children that discover Narnia. These children are prophesied to end the evil times and the never ending winter that has fallen over the land. The adventures that follow lead them through Narnia and an eventual confrontation with the Ice Queen herself. All the books in the series are excellent. I would recommend reading them in the order they were released which isn't technically chronological. The third book in the series, The Magician's Nephew is actually a prequel.

I first read these books as a youngster, but I have recently reread them as an adult and I found myself enjoying them even more. They are great reads and are very entertaining.

My next recommendation is also a series, and one of the best fiction series I've read recently. It's called the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. It's set in the modern day, and follows an airline pilot, a reporter, and pastor as the world is turned upside down by the sudden disappearance of hundreds of thousand of people. As the main characters begin to unravel the mystery of what has happened, they become enemies of the state.

I started the Left Behind series after about half the books had been released, and read the first ones in paperback. I became so engrossed in the series that the final book that had been released, I bought in hard back (hard back was out, but the paper back version wasn't). Then I waited an agonizing couple of months for the next book to be released and was down at the bookstore the very night it was released to buy it.

I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed the Left Behind series. It will make a car trip go by much faster.

Finally, since I'm on the subject of recommended books, I'd thought I'd mention Mere Christianity, also by C.S. Lewis. I rank Mere Christianity has the best book I have ever read outside of the Bible. In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis outlines a basic case for deism and Christianity. He aims at avoiding controversies to explain fundamental teachings of Christianity, both for those who know it well and for those who may not.

If you are looking for some good reading material during your AFK days, give these a look.


Lancaster said…
There's the often forgotten Narnia Book, 'The Magician's Nephew' which is the first book in the series, not the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

It describes the birth of Narnia as a land, introduces Aslan, the Witch and several other characters who reappear later.

I would also highly recommend the series, I found it to be awesomesauce
Honors Code said…
"The Magician's Nephew" is a great read. I had already read "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" when I read it. You get a ton of references to things that will happen in LWW by reading that prior to MN. Both are excellent books and great reads.
Anonymous said…
Lethal, the 1st book is amazing for that very reason. I loved the entire series. I always remember how the lamp gets into Narnia though and the first time the witch visits our world. A great great great read.

I'll have to check out Left Behind. My boyfriend was literally just telling me about the movie the other day.