Sarth 25 Man

I jumped on last night and headed over to Grizzly Hills because I wanted to buy the Venture Company Libram of Retribution. Unfortunately, once I got over there I saw that the Horde had control of the area, and that the Alliance vendor was not up.

But while I was over there, I saw Cryak looking asking if anyone wanted to come to Sartharian 25. I offered my services. As has been the norm since I hit 80, I was once again told I would have to come as Ret DPS. Apparently, they had all their tank spots filled.

I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't be able to go as Protection, but it would be 4 more Emblems of Valor and a shot at the Glove token, so off I went to Ironforge to respec. A few moments later, I was all set to lay down the hurt.

First pull of 4 dragons and we send in a Druid named Zelena in to grab them all. My eyes about popped out of my head when I clicked on him and saw he had over 40k health.

We burned through the trash without any problems. I managed to get myself killed on one pull. I'm not sure if it was one of those fireball things or a whirlwind. It was one of those times where you are swinging away and all of sudden you're dead.

We were originally going to try Sartharian with one Drake up, but after looking over the DPS, Cryak decided we would kill all the Drakes first. Cryak would be on Sartharian while Zelena would take care of the adds. He mentioned something about being worried about threat 'in this spec'. I thought it an odd statement, but concentrated on my job.

We engage. The fight was going well, but we lost a couple of DPS to Lava Waves. A couple of people had not seen the fight before, so it was a good first try. I was very happy with myself for two reason. Number one, I had not been hit by a single Lava Wave. Number two, I had come in in the top 10 DPSers with nearly 2k DPS.
So we regroup and get ready to pull again. The first Lava Wave comes. As I panned around to look for which direction it was coming from my hand slipped and suddenly I'm looking at the ceiling of Sartharin's cavern. By the time I got my bearings, it was too late for me to avoid the Lava Wave. It had hit about a half dozen of us. I couldn't bubble because I was using Avenging Wrath every cooldown to increase my DPS, and it had given me Forbearance. I quaffed a Health Potion, but it wasn't enough. I started to que up a heal, but it was too late and I died.

Luckily, they were able to complete the encounter without me. He dropped a Mail Helm, and a couple of tokens. I rolled on the Conqueror token, but tied with a Warlock, so we had to roll off, and I lost the roll off. I was disappointed, but there's always next time.

At that point the group broke up. I went back to Ironforge and respeced back to Prot. 100g spent for 4 Emblems of Valor. That's not a horrible deal.


Anonymous said…
just a quick question, but when you spec back and forth like this, are you changing glyphs each time? My other spec is Holy (normally prot) but I always feel like if I don't re-glyph, I'm not the healer or tank I need to be for raids.
That's the part of the respec that gets expensive for me, and the reason dual-specs can't get here soon enough in my book.
Honors Code said…
I haven't changed Glyphs. I have the Judgement one which I feel serves both specs, then the Seal of Vengeance one for Tanking, and the Seal of Command one for Ret. I actually need to change the SoC one because I use SoMarytr now.

The game isn't tuned so tightly that you need every t crossed and i dotted. I see people not bringing much in the way of consumables and still clearing content rather easily. I figured a missing Glyph won't make that much of a difference.
Shwitz44 said…
1977 DPS, steadily improving - with some gear upgrades and some rotation tightening, you'll be over 3k in no time.
Anonymous said…
Makes sense. Guess the cross-over to Ret from prot works better than going to Holy.
I use the Judgement, Vengeance, and Taunt hit% glyphs for tanking. I think part of my problem is when I heal, I always feel stressed to keep up with the regular healers who do it all the time, so I'm looking for every edge I can get.
Since you don't run with the Taunt glyph, do you ever have problems with taunts missing? I know agro isn't a problem, but for fights that need agro swaps, I'm just hesitant to lose that hit%, but that would be the one I might try to skip so I can at least pick up the Holy Light splash glyph to help my group healing when I do toss on the healer gear.
Dual specs, please hurry =)
Honors Code said…
I haven't had a problem yet, but then again, I haven't tanked anything over a 5 man Heroic yet. I've got a taunt glyph in the bank for the day I actually get an invite to OT Naxx.

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