Something Wrong With This Picture

I don't know, there's just something not quite right about this screenshot.


Shwitz44 said…
Filthy stinkin' arcane addict! Go suck on a mana wyrm, fiend!
Me said…
The fact that he looks like a WoW version of Peter Pan?
Anonymous said…
Been thinking about re-rolling Horde, eh? I've got about a zillion low-level Horde characters on Dalvengyr (PvP); every now and then I get the urge to try playing Horde and a PvP server, and I try to do both at the same time.

Haven't gotten a character there past 20 yet, with the availability of the end-game on my Alliance characters.

One of mine is a Belf Paladin, too. ;)

Anonymous said…
welcome to the dark side

Wankster of Magtheridon
Christian Clark said…
Eww! Crack Elf! Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!
Ken Bowen said…
It's a beautiful thing... *sniff*

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