Me and 24 of My Best Friends
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that my guild, Unusual Suspects, had absorbed a second 10 man raiding group from one of the other guilds from our server. The new group is led by a Death Knight named Perplexity, so I call them Perp’s group. My group, well, I just call that my group, lol.
Both groups continued to concentrate on 10-man raiding, but we knew that having the new group would allow us to do the occasional 25 man raid.
I was very excited when I saw the 25 man Ulduar raid on the in game Calendar for Tuesday night. Before the raid, I finally told myself to stop over thinking everything and just bought the Shard of the Crystal Forest for 19 Emblems of Conquest. I’ll be swimming in those things soon enough (3.2).
We were a couple of people short but we were able to fill out the raid with people from my old guild, called Heroes Inc. So we had our 25 man raid ready to go. Ellevis, the Death Knight who runs my raid group, was handling the raid leader responsibilities. Some of the people from the Perp’s group had never raided with him. No one knew what to expect. No one knew how far we’d get.
Both groups continued to concentrate on 10-man raiding, but we knew that having the new group would allow us to do the occasional 25 man raid.
I was very excited when I saw the 25 man Ulduar raid on the in game Calendar for Tuesday night. Before the raid, I finally told myself to stop over thinking everything and just bought the Shard of the Crystal Forest for 19 Emblems of Conquest. I’ll be swimming in those things soon enough (3.2).
We were a couple of people short but we were able to fill out the raid with people from my old guild, called Heroes Inc. So we had our 25 man raid ready to go. Ellevis, the Death Knight who runs my raid group, was handling the raid leader responsibilities. Some of the people from the Perp’s group had never raided with him. No one knew what to expect. No one knew how far we’d get.

We start, of course, with Flame Leviathan. Much to my surprise, there were 5 Siege Tanks to drive. I guess I should have known there would be more vehicles in 25-man.
The fight through the Iron Dwarf Army feels different with all those Sieges, Choppers, and Demonlishers. It really felt like we were army on the assault.
Someone joked that we should take this force to Wintergrasp, to which someone else replied that we would still lose. (Wintergrasp is officially a Horde area on my server that they occasionally let us have.)
I was in my familiar position of driving a Siege. Yes, even on a vehicle fight, I'm a tank.
I was in my familiar position of driving a Siege. Yes, even on a vehicle fight, I'm a tank.
We didn’t leave any towers up, so we burned through the trash pretty quick. Next thing you know were facing down the Fire Truck. We didn’t launch anyone up onto Flame Leviathan. Instead we kept the Demo Gunners firmly in their seats and they blasted away at the pyrite hanging over the area. The Demos stacked pyrite on Flame Leviathan and he was melting pretty quickly. He never picked me to pursue so I just hung out on his ‘six’ and interrupted Flame Vents. I’m happy to say that Flame Vents never got up for more than one second and I wasn’t even the guy who interrupted it sometimes.
Badda boom, badda bing, dead Flame Leviathan.
Badda boom, badda bing, dead Flame Leviathan.
Now maybe I'm late to the party, but have you ever noticed the nod to Tank Spot when you kill Flame Leviathan?
Next up was Razorscale. I was tanking along with Perplexity (Death Knight) and Ellevis (Death Knight). The fight seemed pretty much the same from 10-man, only Razor hits much harder. Once we got her grounded I picked her up and BAM, dead Paladin. Perp grabbed her and I gotta a Battle Rez. I ran into to relieve him, and turned him right towards the raid. Doh! Then BAM I died again.
Ellevis and Perp were able to finish tanking her. I looked back at my combat log and saw I took a 41k melee hit.
I didn’t have 41k health. When did Razorscale start hitting that hard? I checked and sure enough I was in my Trash set (535 Defense). The only thing I can figure is that I got a crit but Recount reported it as a hit.
One of the healers was kind enough to apologize for letting me die. I corrected her (female toon, no idea if the actual player is a she), and let her know it was my fault.
With Flame Leviathan and Razor down, we decided to try our hand at XT-002. Ellevis was kind enough to put me on XT while he and Purp took care of the Assault Bots. Fully buffed, I was sitting at just shy of 42k health.

Everyone was feeling really good. Morale was high and we started to wonder just how far we could get.
We set our sights on Ignis. This time Perplexity was on the Boss, and I was going to help Ellevis round up the Adds. I had never done that particular task before. In our 10-man group, Ellevis has me on Ignis. It took me a little while to figure it out. At first, I tried to have the Construct in the fire and myself just outside. I kept looking for a debuff to see how hot the Construct was. It actually appears as a buff. They don’t debuff until you pull them into the water. My Hammer of Justice stun wasn’t quite long enough to keep the Construct in and get fully cooked so I did a bit of kiting.
Our main problem that attempt was actually Slag Pot healing. The healers worked something out and we pulled again. I did a little better, but Ellevis picked up most of the Adds. That dude is really good Tank, let me tell you.
We downed Ignis that attempt and completed the first ‘wing’ of Ulduar25.
I really hadn’t studied the loot tables past Flame Leviathan so I don’t know what didn’t drop. In a way I like it better that way. I’ll be surprised and happy when something I can use drops, but I will have to make a quick decision about what is and isn’t an upgrade.
After Kologarn made a bridge for us, we had a choice between Iron Council and Auryia. Ellevis decided on Iron Council.
I was Steelbreaker. Ellevis was on Stormcaller and Perp took Runemaster.
First attempt, I was too slow moving Steelbreaker out of a Rune of Power and we wiped. I acknowledged the mistake and apologized over vent.
We pulled again. I moved Steelbreaker faster this time but still got killed to a combination of melee plus Fusion Punch. Good gravy, that thing HURTS on 25-man.
We tried again, but I was killed by a Fusion Punch, plus melee again.
Ellevis decided to move me to Runemaster and Perplexity to Steelbreaker. As we gather back up to buff up again, I heard something over vent that nearly ruined the night.
Basically someone said “Paladin FAIL!”
It was like someone had flipped a switch inside me. Hate and fire started to rise up from my inner being. You are NOT going to blame this wipe on me being a Paladin. Oh, no sir!
But suddenly something I had read once in a good book started playing over and over in my head. I won’t say it was a voice, more like when a song starts randomly playing in your mind. “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” So I decided to heed that advice and listened. This person WASN’T talking about my tanking. One of our Holys had left Crusader Aura on. That was the “Paladin FAIL”!
The best part is that I never said anything, so I was able to laugh along with everyone else as the Holy Paladin changed his aura. No one knew (until I wrote this blog) how close I came to embarrassing myself in front of my new friends in Perp’s group.
We pulled and I started banging away at Rune Master. But we lost Perp to a Fusion Punch.
We would try twice more with Perplexity and even once or twice with Ellevis. We always lost the tank to a Fusion Punch.
I have to admit that part of me was glad it wasn’t just me. We couldn’t keep any tank up. But I was saddened because it would have been cool to get Iron Council down, regardless of who was tanking what.
I was really wishing for the buffs to Paladin tanks in 3.2. That first attempt might have been okay if I had had the 3.2 version of Ardent Defender.
It was getting late, so we had to call it. The night ended at Iron Council with 5 Bosses dead.
I had an absolute blast.
Titanguard has only dropped once in about 6 or so times I've done FL25. There's also very nice bracers from there. There's actually quite a bit of very nice tanking gear that drops from early bosses. XT has nice shoulders and Kolo has nice pants. Or so I've read, I've never seen them drop...
The 25 man Ulduar last night was an absolute riot. I was pretty stoked when Ellevis asked me to go Ret last night, as I have been on tank duty since the start of Wrath, and never get to dps. Plus I think I am the most undergeared of the tanks, since I took about a 4 month holiday.
I felt like I made out like a bandit, and admit to feeling a little guilty on the whole loot thing. After 3 bosses I was looking at 3 pieces in my bags, two offset and the block value ring. I am hoping that when they fix block it will play a better role in my gear.
As the normal OT from Perp's group, I wanted to say that I think we all had an absolute blast, or atleast I know I did. Its so nice to be in a 25 man with a group with a sense of humour, aka my comment about going to WG, the various Star Wars references and all the other stuff.
All I know is next time we hear a comment about "Paladin Fail!" for crusader aura, I think we should all boycot the good aura's and see how everyone likes frost/shadow/fire resistance, and casters who only get buffed with might! That usually makes my groups see the light that is Paladin goodness.
Anyways, rambled on enough now. It was great raiding with you again. I managed to sneak into the odd Outlands raid, with you, when I was in Dominion, whenever I got picked up on my rogue and we were running old content.
Our server is a small world, on Alliance side atleast, and its nice to see familiar people who are fun to raid with even under a new tag like Unusual Suspects. If last night is any sort of an indicator, I think we should see more and more content fly by us.
Even with 80% damage reduction he still takes a huge amount of damage till the adds get pulled off by the proper tanks.
Also with a few debuffs Razorscale will hit that hard. I find it unlikely that recount miss counted the hit but stranger things have happened.
In general though... you get hit much harder in 25 man then 10 which is why our 25 man has only been up to Hodir while our 10 man is working on Mimiron.
Meanwhile your healers should be able to time it out pretty well to land their big bombs in the 1st second after Fusion Punch lands. The cast time is long enough, too, that they should be able to top you off before FP lands and still wind up the big heals.
The damage increase from 10 to 25 man is huge too.
The fusionpunch has a 3 second cast time. Stop everything and spam your selfcleansing button or as I do smartdebuff.
Secondly, take the Runemaster in your focus with activated castbar. When he starts casting the rune, move Steelbreaker. He should be already out of the area when Runemaster finishes.
When Steelbreaker is down, spot Runemaster. The DK tank can help much better interrupting the little dwarf.
Basically the healers or ret paladins cast the Cleanse spell on the tank after the fusion punch and while they succesfully cast it, it fails to remove the debuff.
Sometimes we may even have time for 2-3 Cleanses but the debuff doesnt get removed.
When we contacted a Gm he said that this was a bug.
So that may be why you lost the Tanks so many times over.