969 Keybinds

Crofe over at Crofe's Corner has an interesting article up on keybinding the 969 rotation.

Head over and give it a look see.



Lanashara said…
Could you do a post, or possibly a recap on Paladin Tanking Macros?

I have a hard time figuring out what all the macro commands are (unless you can point me to a repository).

Crofe said…
Lanashara, http://www.wowwiki.com/Macro_API is a list of the commands you can use with macros. It contains more than just the combat specific ones though and it doesn't really explain *how* you would use them.

http://www.wowwiki.com/Useful_macros_for_paladins is a list of "Useful" Paladin macros. (Which apparently has the two I talk about in my post). I don't really find these macros helpful in a real world situation, but they are example macros which are semi explained.

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