Comment About Comments

I received a comment on one of my posts that made use of name calling and vulgarity. Just so you so, starting right now, if you use name calling and vulgarity in your comments, they won't be published.

I have no problem with someone disagreeing with me, and I try encourage thoughtful discussion in my comments. You never know, I just might learn something.

But using vulgarity or name calling will not promote thoughtful discussion, and those comments will not be published in the future.


Rhii said…
Honors -

Thanks for publishing that initial nasty comment. While I understand your unwillingness to have vulgar and unpleasant material on your blog (I'd feel the same way), I think it was better to respond the way that you did, instead of brushing the comment under the rug.

I've always appreciated your ability to be open about your personal life without being holier-than-thou or overpoweringly preachy.


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