I'm Not Who I Was


Grimadin said…
Oh scary day... I'll admit that I had finally gotten over the whole changing to horde thing, once I realized the current racials for the soon to be Tauren Pally. But when I moved over a toon to experience what we're all getting into, I was dissappointed to see that they had not been implemented yet. I'll be joining you soon on the dark side, but I will be tauren as soon as they put them in and allow race changes. GO STEAK GO!!!
Anonymous said…
For the Horde!!!
Tego said…
we are in kilts again? wtf (note i hadn't looked at the new stuff yet)

Its a shame that the server is that lopsided.... "stay good honors... stay good" [said as kiki from sluggy freelance]

have fun
Christian Clark said…
Oh no! Some evil BElf has murdered your dwarf and stole his name! The cad!
Rohan said…

Going from Dwarf to Blood Elf is just so wrong!
Shwitz44 said…

Now I must hunt you down and slay you. Horde scum.
Resonate said…
Changing guilds? Or did your whole guild transfer?
Argent said…
What! What about your guild? It sounded like you were doing really awesome. Is it a guild-wide switchover?
Anonymous said…
For the light! wait.. what???
Ardent Defender said…
Simply Unbelievable!

Another Blood Elf Paladin and Blogger, this will cause a Cataclysm. It wasn't Deathwing doing :)
Kuroshiro said…
So I'm curious, since you never mentioned it in your earlier post: What's the rationale for moving to horde? Is it because you're a PvE guild on a PvP server, and you don't really want to deal with PvP issues anymore? Given the fairly huge imbalance (according to warcraft realms, at least) on AoS, I can see why you might want to do that. However, from a PvE standpoint you seem to have gone from being a big fish in a small pond to a indeterminate fish (I haven't looked at any progression websites, so I'm not sure offhand how you compare to your new horde brethren) in a large pond.

This also brings up the issue of is faction change going to make unbalanced servers even worse? I'm curious because the guild I run on Elune (PvE) has had a horde "sister" guild for years, and only in the past year or so has it really started to get going. Our server is unbalanced in the other direction (Alliance outnumbers Horde by a good bit) but we have people starting to transfer 80s to our Horde. I can see this happening to Explorer/Achiever types of people, but it wasn't the direction of travel I expected.
Any thoughts?
Unknown said…

After you catch your breath, you might have to update your sidebar, which says:

"Honorshammer, Level 80 Dwarf Paladin, Main"
Therigwin said…
This is a sad sad day.

I can understand changing factions though on a PVP server to get to the side so you don't have as many issues.

But it is still a sad sad day.

RIP Honorhammer, the best dwarf paladin I knew.
Aureilie said…
Wlecome to the Horde :)
Argon said…
Anonymous said…
@ Kuro
He said in a previous post that his guild, or at least his raid core, was going to transfer to Horde when faction transfers became available. And his preference was Guild/Crew over Toon, hence the transfer.
Anonymous said…
Seems like it was surprisingly easy for someone who claims to be so into the lore to change from a dwarf to a paladin. I'll try not to gank you too much.
Anonymous said…
A young Blood Elf named Honorshammer, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Horde hunt down and destroy the Holy Knights. He betrayed and murdered Dwarven Honorshammer. Now the Dwarven Holy Knights are all but extinct. Blood Elf Honorshammer was seduced by the dark side of the Light.

Anonymous said…
One more interrupt off the global CD every few minutes :-) Just a shame Taurens weren't ready, I don't think the Paladin gear looks good on the slight Blood Elf frame, hopefully T9 will fix that for you. As a matter of interest, did you gain the Blood Elf tabard they get for doing their Charger quest (I'm thinking of going the other way). Glad your guild was able to make the switch. did all your guys cross over?
Ironhelm said…
Hmmm.... /finger twitches over the faction transfer button... hmmm...

HP said…
belf pallies unite!

Muhahah, you have come over to the dark side!
Unknown said…
Welcome to the Horde, brother!!!!!

Now let's go kill some Dwarves... just kidding!

Tell us more about this change. Did the whole guild swap to horde? why?

Anyway, enjoy it!

For the Horde!
Lakini said…
Just about everybody in the guild has switched. Gave Honors a chance to make a toon that looks like him irl.
Anonymous said…
welcome to the good side, you're gonna freaking love torrent!
Anonymous said…
Welcome to the cheerful side of having no life!
Anonymous said…
Now I'm the only dwarf Honorshammer left on the armory.. :(

I'll still read your blog though! :)
For the Horde...

Trust me you'll come to hate Garrosh just as much as you did when you were Alliance.
Gravity said…
I'm also on horde now, mate, It's fine! I like belfs; fantastic racial.
Anonymous said…
I'm surprised that you and the guild decided to switch factions in the fact they said it was for the lore, but the lore really isn't different when you are in upper end raiding. You really only get the lore when you are questing to level cap, after that it is blanket generic.

You will have to let us know what difference you all were seeking with a faction transfer when raiding was your only priority and doesn't seem to matter which faction you are on when it comes to raiding, unless you need more numbers. At least your Tier Gear will look more bad ass as horde, only thing i can say looks better is that they look more aggressive in their T9 than we do.

Alas it is a sad day, the light has lost a great ally to the darkside and now must be hunted with the rest of the Sith....er Horde lol:P

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