Choosing the Paladin as your class shows remarkable good taste and high intelligence. I leveled my Paladin through vanilla World of Warcraft, and I'm currently leveling one in WoW Classic. This guide is an update to the one that was linked on the main World of Warcraft site during Burning Crusade and the information is accurate for Burning Crusade Classic . Which race should you make your Paladin? Honors, you are a rare combination of brains and good looks, what race should I make my Paladin Well, I'm glad you asked. Race isn't going to make or break your character, and you're going to be looking at that toon for hours on end. If you roll Horde, you're a Blood Elf . Next Question! Oh, wait, you're Alliance, excellent choice, my lad. Of the 3 Alliance races, I would say Draenei . The Draenei starting area is cool, and tons of fun. Shadow Resistance and a free Heal over Time both work well with Paladins. Humans are the best aesthetically, and the rep bonus is ...
Damn you Honor's