Link Love and Culture Shock

For all your Tankadins needs, today Righteous Defense has a great post on "5 Ways to Increase Your Threat". Rhidach is a fantastic Tankadin blogger. If you are at all interested in Tankadins and raids, he ought to be in your feed reader.

Not much happening in my world at the moment. We did another Ony/ToC/VoA clear on Tuesday. Then I hopped over to my Druid alt.

I always knew the Horde had different sensibilities. But I wasn't quite prepared for what my Druid found.

Apparently, this is what becomes of Druids who fail the Horde.


Rhidach said…
Thanks for the link love, man! And thanks for the laugh with that screenshot :)
Ruhtra said…
There is a lot of bear rugs all over.

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