
We spent the better part of last night getting taught lessons by Professor Putricide. Boston and I switched off driving the Abomination and tanking Professor P. It had been some time since we had last worked on Professor since our efforts have been directed at the Crimson Halls and the Frostwing Halls. But with only Professor and Sindragosa left before Arthas, he became our next target.

Our biggest issue, at least from my point of view, is slime management. Phase 1 is cake. We are through that Phase before we get the first Orange Add. Sorry for the lack of proper names, but I think of them as the Orange Add and the Green Add.

Then somewhere in Phase 2 the Abom, regardless if it was either myself or Boston driving the Abom, we would start to get overwhelmed by slime. I was spamming my 'Eat Goo' key as fast as I could but I couldn't seem to keep up. We kept wiping right around the 60% mark. We the attempt limiter removed we were free to try several different approaches. We tried 2 healers, and 3 healers, but it didn't seem to make much difference. We've got to be missing something important.

When the trash respawned on us we had a choice to make. Stay and work on Professor P, or go to Heroic ToC and try to finally kill Anub. Boston put it to a vote and Anub was the choice.

So we hopped over to Crusader's Coliseum for another round with the Bug. We still had 35 attempts up. I was hoping we'd go in and just one shot him, but that wasn't going to happen. I didn't get the second Add picked up quickly enough as we went into Phase 3 and he ate a healer. Sorry Stark.

Then we had a frustrating attempt where I got killed by Anub's Spike, even though I was clearly standing on the ice as we were finishing off the Adds. I am please to report that then entire evening I didn't miss a single Shadow Strike. Once, one of the Adds got slowed by walking over some ice so we wasn't in melee range when he started his cast. I ran out towards him and used Arcane Torrent to interrupt the cast.

We had a couple of really close wipes. There is so much that has to go right in this fight, and so many failure points from tanking to healing to kiting.

Then we had an attempt where things seemed to be going well. I parked myself right next to Stark (Resto Shaman) when Phase 3 started. It must be something about Shamans that make them look tasty to spiders because the Adds always seemed to want to make a beeline for him before I questioned their heritage (taunt). What do you say to taunt a spider? "Your mother's webs were asymmetrical!!" It seemed to work.

Army of the Dead helped pick up the first two spiders, and I got their Shadow Strike interrupted. Then I parked myself under Anub's rather large derriere. We had had some sub 10k wipes. I wanted my Consecrate to hit Anub because as close as we were every little bit of DPS helped. The two spiders finished off the Army and turned back to me, then submerged. I kept Consecrate down to pick them up when they surfaced, and got ready to pick up the next set. I picked them up and got ready for their Shadow Strike when I heard Boston over vent say "Good job guys." Achievements flashed up.

There was no exultant cheer, but more of an exhale, a release. We had finally overcome the Bug.

You ask each person in our raid and he'll tell you something extraordinary he did during that attempt. I only wish I had seen it all so I could tell you about it. But everyone played to their highest potential. Boston was a monster tanking Anub, Black and Stark healed like a mofo. Neo, Donk, Ofn, Lakini, Blue, and Pink DPSed like their was no tomorrow. They all used different utilities throughout the fight that went above and beyond the call of duty. The team did a great job.

ToC Hard Mode is in the books.


Ofn said…
"Your mother's webs were asymmetrical!!"
Haha -- I love it!

Maybe there was no cheering over vent, but I was cheering at home. I even briefly woke my daughter. My wife was not impressed, lol.
Bacon said…
Grats on the closure.

Not sure what could be happening to you guys on the Professor at 60%. It could be positioning, could be the slime puddles, I'm not sure. Just continue to eat the slime, watch for the adds and the flasks he tosses around in that phase. You guys will get it, if you can tolerate his voice that long. :)
Ellevis said…
We'll get Putricide this week. We made a few attempts on him when he first opened and then haven't been back to him til last night so I think everyone forgot what to do lol.
Braincramp said…
I just wanted to tell you congrats.. I am a casual wow player that just came back after a 1 year break, now scrambling to lvl my main a night elf hunter and working on a Belf Pally I have used a lot of your advice on leveling and tanking with it.
Unknown said…
Gratz on Heroic Anub, it's one of the more challenging tanking fights.

If you dieing around 60% on putricide its probably the malleable ooze. Take awhile before people can avoid it well.

Neovomica said…
It was a great night! We'll get Put this week. I can feel it.
Shathus said…
having been the abom driver the last 2 weeks, I've just found you have to make the slime pools #1 priority. DBM's timer on new slime pools has been dead on for me, so I always keep an eye on that and get ready to move. The slow can be cast at ranged, so just make sure you're always sucking up slime and just toss the slow effect (can't remember the name) from wherever you're standing.

Once the initial Green Add spawns and you slow it, I've never had an issue with energy so just keep hoovering. I do try to save puddles that form where the adds appear though I can dps and suck at the same time for a bit (save meaning if you have 2 to chose from, pick the other one first).
WordTipping said…
The best tips I have for Putricide are:

1 - Eat Ooze doesn't trigger a GCD for Ooze Spit or Slash. So you can press both buttons at the same time.

2 - Because of Tip #1, your MT can kite Putricide past you while swapping sides and you can drop some slashes on Putricide to boost DPS.

3 - My G15 saved my fingers due to all the Eat Ooze spam.

4 - At the start of the fight you can drink from the table and then start running to where Putricide is being tanked. You will still turn into Putricide, you don't have to stand at the table. This will usually let you get a 5 stack of Slash going before the first ooze puddles appear.

5 - Wait to snare the adds until you see their cast bar. This will help maximize the snare time.

6 - Don't let more than two ooze puddles be up. Once you get the third you can almost never catch up. My best tip is to let that third puddle go, especially if it is out of the normal kite path.

7 - Get to the puddles while they are small, even if it means breaking DPS on Putricide. The bigger the puddle the more times you have to "Eat Ooze".

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