Quick Shattering Question for you

I put a poll up in the blog. If you get this via a reader, please go to the site and answer the poll.

I don't want to be the bearer of ill tidings this week of Thanksgiving, but the portals to the capitals in Shattrah and Dalaran are being removed during tomorrow's maintenance. So, with the removal of portals from Shat and Dalaran, where will you set your hearth and why?


Stop said…
My death knight and shaman will return to Orgrimmar, the better to answer the Warchief's Commands.

My warlock's hearth will remain in Dalaran: her questing is not yet done in Northrend.

My paladin is still adventuring in the old world, and the last 9 levels of it are going to be completely new. I'm pretty excited. :) I think I might wander over to the Plaguelands and aid the paladins there in their cleanup jobs.
Vreid said…
Undercity probably. As a druid i have quick access to Kalimdor via Moonglade and as an engineer quick access to Northrend
Anonymous said…
Voted for Org.

I've got the Argent Crusade tabard that lets you port to the tourney and with a 310 mount it's a quick trip to Dalaran should I need to be there.
Solunne said…
Orgrimmar, so I can get to the new leveling areas and hit the ground running in a couple of weeks. I have the Argent Crusade tabard to take care of any unfinished business in Northrend.
Nuff said…
You need to add an option for "I've played the beta and seen how terrible Cata is...the endless bugs, lack of level cap content, and changes to classes unbalancing the entire game caused me to quit wow." :)
Ngita said…
Main to stormwind, the alts I will probably shift over time at least a few have good reason to still stay in dalaran.
Anonymous said…
On the Alliance side, Stormwind is the obvious choice due to its central location: tram to Ironforge and boat to (near) Darnassus and Borean Tundra. It will also have two banks and two auction houses, making the trade districts less congested.
Darnassus and Exodar will most likely be completely deserted (as they already are), with the exception of bank mules. Speaking of which, I expect there will be a lot of Worgen-become-mules once stopping in at the AH is a hassle and the novelty of the new races wears off. At least my worgen druid will look smart in a tux.

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