Tinfoil Hat Time

Okay, tin foil hat time.
So Tuesday, I mentioned that I thought BioWare was planning on a short window from announcement to release because they wanted to keep any of their competitors from bringing out something in the same time frame that could take away from their launch. I said they were wrong, and now I'll explain what I meant.
I think Blizzard is ready and waiting for the release date announcement. They already have a content package ready to go to counter SWTOR. if you recall, one of the mysteries of Patch 4.2 was what happened to the other half of it. We were supposed to get two raids, a Firelands raid, and an Abyssal Maw raid. We got some line from Blizzard about how it wasn't ready or something. Honestly I don't even remember. I think it is ready and  Blizzard is holding it. They will unveil the Abyssal Maw as a mini patch to go right after SWTOR's launch is announced.
Of course Kaplan has to go poo poo my theory by stating Abyssal Maw was dropped because the story wasn't good enough. Come on, when has Blizzard dropped anything because of story? His comment will be long forgotten when they release Abyssal Maw. Besides, when has a silly little thing like the facts ever derailed a juicy conspiracy theory?
I have to be careful to not see everything Blizzard and BioWare are doing as jockeying for position in the MMO Market. It's just hard not to. You've got the established old bull, and now you've got this young upstart trying to horn in. Case in point is the new Transmogrified Blizzard has announced for 4.3. BioWare has stated there won't be an appearance tab in SWTOR. What a great way for Blizzard to have a feature they know SWTOR won't have. It also allows them to leverage all the old classic art images they've used over the years.
Honestly, if I was still playing Honorshammer as my main, I'd be a lot more excited about the transmogrified than I am. Although, I do have a nearly full set of T2 on my Hunter including Rhok'delar. It would be pretty cool to raid in that.


Elladrion said…
I think you're missing the real reason. Abyssal maw was dropped for "story reasons" *wink* *wink* becuase it wasn't compelling *nudge* *nudge*. So blizzard leaves out a raid that people had no vested interest in, which lets them release the main and final raid on deathwing right at the same time as TOR releases.

It also lets them end cataclysm and move onto a new expansion, which it seams they are very keen on doing. They wanted to try some stuff with cataclysm that wound up not working so well, and lost almost a million subscribers for it. And TOR has the credentials in setting and production company to really take a lion's share of the rest of them if blizzard doesn't do something, so they're giving the players a few things that they've been clamoring for all at once: a bank for old gear that seems like it will be account-wide and a way to change how you look while keeping your stats. Plus the tanking changes on top of that.

Worked for me, I renewed my account that I was gonna let expire yesterday.
Unknown said…
That's brilliant. I wish I had thought of it.

Welcome back, by the way.
Dick said…
But Blizzard releasing new features, or any other high profile MMO doing it, is good for us gamers. It will mean BioWare will have to work to put that into the game, because players want it.

Look at AOE looting. If Rift hadn't done it and it been such a huge success, then we probably wouldn't have seen it in SWTOR. But now we have it in there, and we are better for that.
Mazrim said…
Deathing VS Sith is the battle the Maw is gone ie to small to stand up to the Sith it will be Deathwing to the rescue erm well you get the idea

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