Jedi Knights

I was not selected for the first Beta Weekend. This is disappointing, but I can always hope for next weekend.
In the mean time, let’s talk Jedi Knights. I think everyone has known on some level that Jedi Knights would be a playable class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This is MY class, my intended ‘main’. I’ve been interested when the other classes were revealed, but my attention is riveted on the Jedi.
Here’s the official class page:
Valiant, Determined, Guardian of Peace
A symbol of hope in dark times, the Jedi Knight stands for the legacy of the Jedi Order—more than twenty-thousand years of protecting the Republic and keeping the peace across the galaxy. Though Jedi Knights have served as generals, guerilla fighters, and warriors for generations, their legendary combat prowess faces its greatest test during this age.
Through years of disciplined training and meditation, the Jedi Knight hones body and mind into perfect harmony. Combining the foresight of the Force with unrivaled reflexes and practiced physical precision, the Knight turns combat into an art form, gracefully executing acrobatic feats in tandem with elegant lightsaber tactics.
A source of inspiration to allies and intimidation to adversaries, the Jedi Knight’s presence is welcome in any confrontation. The Order’s long history of fighting for justice has earned the trust of countless friends and the hate of innumerable enemies. Few, though, are foolish enough to challenge a seasoned Jedi Knight unless they have the skills and technology to even the odds.
That sounds like a very cool class.
There is a little bit on the site about the Jedi’s combat.
Whether defending allies by deflecting a barrage of blaster-fire or charging in to challenge a Sith Lord, the Knight’s role is crucial in any conflict. The Jedi Knight enjoys the benefit of ancient teachings that have been passed down through hundreds of generations. Combining these time-tested maneuvers with the natural guidance of the Force, the Knight is capable of achieving extraordinary feats.
Just as we saw with the Sith Warrior, it looks like Jedi Knight will be able to deflect Blaster Bolts from range.
Focusing body and mind, the Knight is capable of blasting opponents with a powerful wave of Force energy, knocking them off their feet. More powerful Jedi Knights have even been known to practice this technique against large groups.

It looks like Jedi will have some sort of Force Push that will be a knockdown. At higher levels, it will affect entire groups. Remember that you will be fighting multiple targets in TOR to give it that ‘heroic’ feel.
Combining physical prowess and Force focus, the Knight can throw his lightsaber in spinning arc to strike enemies at a distance. Practice and mastery of this maneuver enables the Knight to ensure his saber returns to his hand after its lethal circuit.
We get Lightsaber throw! 

We’ve also seen a very cool Force Charge. It looks like some sort of attack where we fly through the air and launch a devastating blow on our enemy. It looks very cool.
We know that at level 10, the Jedi Knight graduate into two Advanced Classes: the tank focused, single saber Guardians, and the melee dps dual lightsaber wielding Sentinel. SWTOR will allow you to switch Advanced Classes but it has an expense in credits (in game currency). The current model is that it starts cheap and gets more expensive with level to the point it becomes prohibitive at around level 30. The level cap is 50.
The Guardian will be my path, and most of what I post here will be about Guardian Tanks in SWTOR.
I am really excited to see the Jedi Knight revealed as a playable class for TOR. I can’t wait to get my hands on it.


Ryan said…
Nice post, I'm leaning in the same direction as you.
Forreststump said…
Week by week, I am feeling more drawn toward SW:ToR. Your posts are certainly not dispelling that draw.

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