Think Tank: The Social Side of Tanking

Today on TORWars, I’m looking at the social side of tanking . If you’ve ever tried to break into a new guild as a tank, this article will probably have a familiar feel. Hello again, TORWarriors, and welcome back to another edition of Think Tank. Today, I’m thinking about the social side of tanking. Last week, we talked about the gear , and before you can become the tank for your guild, there’s a whole other set of obstacles to overcome and skills to master. They are social ‘soft’ skills you will need to effectively tank. We can talk about gear, and rotations, and consumables, and professions all… This is a topic that strikes me particularly close to home because not only am I trying to work my way in the tanking corps of Zeal, but because I handled this situation so poorly in Dominion. I know most of the people I was with then don’t even play or read blogs anymore, but I hope they have forgiven me for the poor attitude I showed at times while working my way up the tanking hie...