1000th Post

Today marks the 1000th post to Honors Code. I would never have believed that I would write 1000 posts when I started the blog seven years ago.

Looking Back

What started out as a Wow blog eventually evolved into SWTOR and now Wildstar, but the peak was tearing through content as a Paladin tank through Wrath of the Lich King.

Along the way I've amassed nearly half a million page views. I think over half of those were probably for my "Leveling a Paladin Guide".  I’m still really proud of the fact that it got linked from Blizzard’s own Class Guide page for over two years.

Over the years the games have changed, and I've take a break or two. I've posted stuff I'm super proud of, and I've posted stuff I wish I never had. I regret my mistakes, and I relish the good memories.

Looking Forward

I'm looking to get back to my roots so to speak. Over the next couple of months, I'll prepare for the Wildstar's release and getting back to tanking (with bots!). It really was the most enjoyable role for me. I burned out on it, as tanks are wont to do, but I'm ready to get back to it.

If Wildstar flames out, I'll probably find myself back in Warlords of Draenor.

Thank you

Finally, I want to thank everyone who has been part of the journey over the past seven years.

If you’ve read the blog – Thank you!
If you’ve ever commented – Thank you!
If you’ve emailed me – Thank you!
If you’ve followed me on Twitter – Thank you!
If you invited me to be a guest on your Podcast – Thank you!
If you subscribed in a Reader/Feedly– Thank you!

Thank you so much for being a great audience and listening to me on days both good and bad.

I'd also like to thank some of the people who have the journey so special. I know most of the these guys don't play MMOs anymore and certainly don't read blogs, but I'd like to reconize them nonetheless. I know I'm going to miss someone. If you see someone I've missed drop me an email or comment.

Special thanks to Big Red Kitty who was a major inspirtation in starting my blog.

Thank you to the friends I've made along the way: Wichita, Bluetide, Black, Donk, Ofn, DarksideDak/Space Ghost, Purps, Pink, Stark, Shad, Origami, Baconstrip, Lakini, Ferth, Sameth, Doraeallin, Jagdelf, Brindall, Cfcheif, Thuder, Agamemgnome, Celoria, Raistlin, FaceEraser, Akivarr, Seven, Raydz, Aoesrus, Zadorr, Vundermann, Absouloot, Bandaidez, Aerlion, Trelic, Blankz, Dlow, Mathman, Fontam, Stadc, Agnate, Snowson, Melevolence, Brindall, Raydz, Sneakyfeat, Deil, Nightwin, Lanorah, Kee, Mowbray, Seraphcroix, Cellestia, Pylar, Fireyes, Araxe, Stdbakerhawk, Luminati. Regolas, Splinterrdc, Kee, Lady, Phat, Fares, Fletchy, Bibby, Addic, Sylvara, Paymon

Also thanks to Twisted Nether, Blog Azeroth, World of Matticus, Asleep at the Wow, Blessing of Kings, Righteous Defense, Gravity, Veneretio, Baelor, Big Bear Butt, Wow Insider, Maintankadin, Egotistical Priest, Tankspot, Paladin Schaladin, and TorWars!

See you on Nexus!

Now, bring me that horizon!


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