Guest Post [Savvy Mark] Real life effects us all

Today I'm handing over the blog to one of my guildmates, Savvy Mark. I'll be back posting Soon(TM). Without further ado, here's Savvy! Real life effects us all. Everyone's reasons for playing MMO's is different. What isn't always obvious when you start is the amount of time that you invest into it. Not sure how long you've been playing? Type /played on your "main" and you will find some disturbing information. Now do that with all your toons on all your accounts. The total can be huge. But is this a waste of time? Unfortunately (or fortunately) we have no means of tracking time spent with our televisions in the "on" position. If you are like me, you turn the TV on when you are in the house (and some sleep with their TV's on). A little about me, I am an avid gamer going back to the days of the Atari 2600 (1979). Adventure was my first foray into fantasy game...