[Hearthstone] The Grand Tournament
Hearthstone announced a new expansion called The Grand Tournament. It looks like it would be fun and I've been playing a more Hearthstone lately. The fact that I can play on my Phone at lunch or when the kids are on the computer is a big help. Blizzard has also announced a preorder bundle where you get 50 packs and an exclusive card back. You can buy the packs with gold and 50 packs would take 5000g to purchase. I have almost 1100g saved up, and I could probably save more in the 3 or 4 weeks before it goes live. I'm still considering buying the preorder bundle with cold, hard cash and then spending the gold I've saved up on the existing card packs for Classic cards and cards from the Gnomes versus Goblins expansion. I've got 1500 dust for the first time thanks to pulling a second Alexstraza out of a free pack I got from my first victory of the week in Tavern Brawl. You can only have 1 copy of any Legendary card so I disenchanted her for dust. I'm still missin...