[Hearthstone] Beating Heroic Zinaar

I blew through normal mode of the first wing of the new Hearthstone adventure "League of Explorers" with little difficulty. I thought I would give Heroic a try. Heroic Blackrock Mountain was really tough, in fact, I never got past the Grim Guzzler, but I'm happy to report I managed to defeat the first boss in League of Explorers, Zinaar. Zinaar ramps by gaining a mana crystal and a card each turn. He also gives you a zero mana spell which uses the new 'Discover' mechanic to give you a minion or a spell card. This adds a significant RNG element to the fight. The core of my deck is minions that synergize with the free spells he gives you. Mana Wyrm gets buffed, Flamewaker launches misses and Violet Teacher summons tokens. This is important because my deck is a little spell heavy. Flame on! Zinaar has several windfury minions that either have to answered immediately or blocked by taunts or freezes. Mirror Entity can be a life saver here, espeically if you...