Burning Crusade Classic Protection Paladin Guide: Tank Gear Progression

Here is a general guide to MT gear progression in raids. Don't consider it definitive so by all means contest any of this. Bias is shown towards "paladin tank" gear wherever the item is viable so some "warrior" items will be omitted if they offer nothing different.

Equally ranked items are about equivalent or down to personal preference and your gear makeup. One item might be very slightly better than the other but it's the sort of very minor upgrade that you'd pass over for another tank.

Disclaimer: This list just a harmless bit of OCD fun that can be a useful reference and point of comparison. Please do not take all of this literally and as 'the way' without thinking what is best for you and what the encounter requires. 

Color coding:

Phase 5 - Isle of Quel’danas and Sunwell Plateau

Phase 4 - Zul'Aman

Phase 3 - Battle for Mount Hyjal and Black Temple

Phase 2 - Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep

Phase 1 - Karahzan, Gruul’s Lair, and Magtheridon’s Lair

Phase not clear


#1 Helm of Uther's Resolve - Kiljaeden, Sunwell Plateau (Sunmote turn-in)

#1 Crown of Dath'Remar - Kiljaeden, Sunwell Plateau

#2 Hard Khorium Goggles - Sunwell Plateau recipe drop

#2 Faceplate of the Impenetrable - Illidan Stormrage, Black Temple

#3 Lightbringer Faceguard - Archimonde, Hyjal

#4 Chestguard of the Warlord - Zul'jin, Zul'Aman

#4 Battleworn Tuskguard - Hex Lord Malacrass, Zulaman

#4 Tankatronic Goggles - Crafted, Engineering

#5 Crystalforge Faceguard - Lady Vashj, Serpentshrine Cavern

#6 Justicar Faceguard - Prince Malchezaar, Karazhan

#6 Faceguard of the Endless Watch - Doomwalker / BOE

#7 Eternium Greathelm - Opera Event, Karazhan

#7 Faceguard of Determination - 50 Badge of Justice

#8 Helm of the Stalwart Defender - Crafted BoE

#8 Oathkeeper's Helm - Crafted BoE


#1 Collar of the Pit Lord - Brutallus, Sunwell Plateau

#2 Pendant of Titans - Reliquary of Souls, Black Temple

#2 The Darkener's Grasp - Kael'thas Sunstrider, Tempest Keep

#3 Frayed Tether of the Drowned - Fathom-Lord Karathress, Serpentshrine Cavern

#3 Barbed Choker of Discipline - Maiden of Virtue, Karazhan

#3 Brooch of Deftness - 35 Badge of Justice

#3 Shattered Sun Pendant of Resolve

#3 Guardian's Pendant of Dominance - 15,300 Honor 10 Eots Marks

#4 Necklace of the Juggernaut - 25 Badge of Justice


#1 Spaulders of the Thalassian Defender - Eredar Twins, Sunwell Plateau (Sunmote turn-in)

#1 Lightbringer Shoulderguards - Mother Sharaz, Black Temple

#2 Pauldrons of Abyssal Fury - Supremus, Black Temple

#2 Pauldrons of Perseverance - Sunwell Plateau

#3 Crystalforge Shoulderguards - Void Reaver, Tempest Keep

#3 Pauldrons of Stone Resolve - Zul'Aman First Chest Timed Event

#4 Justicar Shoulderguards - High King Maulgar, Gruul's Lair

#5 Mantle of Abrahmis - Netherspite, Karazhan

#6 Spaulders of Dementia - Talon King Ikiss, Heroic Sethekk Halls


#1 Crimson Paragon's Cover - Twin Eredars, Sunwell Plateau

#2 Pepe's Shroud of Pacification - Hyjal Trash

#2 Slikk's Cloak of Placation - 35 Badge of Justice

#2 Phoenix-Wing Cloak - Al'ar, Tempest Keep

#3 Gilded Thorium Cloak - Illhoof, Karazhan

#4 Icebound Cloak - Lord Ahune, Midsummer Summonable Boss


#1 Heroic Judicator's Chestguard - M'uru, Sunwell Plateau

#1 Breastplate of Agony's Aversion - Sunwell Plateau

#2 Lightbringer Chestguard - Illidan Stormrage, Black Temple

#3 Chesplate of Stoicism - 100 Badge of Justice

#3 Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian - 75 Badge of Justice

#4 Glory of the Defender - Azgalor, Mt Hyjal

#4 Crystalforge Chestguard - Kael'thas Sunstrider, Tempest Keep

#4 Chestguard of the Warlord - Zul'jin, Zul'Aman

#5 Justicar Chestguard - Magtheridon, Magtheridon's Lair

#6 Shattrath Protectorate's Breastplate - 100 Badge of Justice

#6 Panzar'Thar Breastplate - Nightbane, Karazhan


#1 Lightbringer Wristguards - Kalecgos, Sunwell Plateau

#2 Eternium Shell Bracers - High Warlord Naj'entus, Black Temple

#2 The Seeker's Wristguards - Shade of Akama, Black Temple

#3 Bracers of the Ancient Phalanx - 35 Badge of Justice

#4 Vambraces of Courage - Attumen the Huntsman, Karazhan

#4 Wristguards of Determination - Void Reaver, Tempest Keep

#5 Bracers of Dignity - Heroic Arcatraz

#5 Bracer's of the Green Fortress - Crafted

#6 Amber Bands of the Aggressor - Heroic Steamvault


#1 Lightbringer Handguards - Azgalor, Hyjal

#2 Borderland Fortress Grips - Felmyst, Sunwell Plateau

#2 Gauntlets of Enforcement - Teron Gorefiend, Black Temple

#3 Royal Gauntlets of Silvermoon - Kaelthas Funstrider, Tempest Keep

#4 Crystalforge Handguards - Leotheras the Blind, Serpentshrine Cavern

#5 Bonefist Gauntlets - 60 Badge of Justice

#5 Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden - Maiden of Virtue, Karazhan

#5 Topaz-Studded Battlegrips - Doom Lord Kazzak

#6 Justicar Handguards - Curator, Karazhan

#7 Gauntlets of Dissension - Warp Splinter, Heroic Botanica

#8 Gauntlets of the Iron Tower - Crafted


#1 Lightbringer Waistguard - Brutallus, Sunwell Plateau

#2 Girdle of Mighty Resolve - Gurtogg Bloodboil, Black Temple

#2 Girdle of Stability - Gurtogg Bloodboil, Black Temple

#3 Belt of the Guardian - Crafted, Blacksmithing

#3 Girdle of the Protector - 60 Badge of Justice

#3 Girdle of the Fearless - 75 Badge of Justice

#3 Girdle of the Invulnerable - Leotheras the Blind, Serpentshrine Cavern

#3 Iron-tusk Girdle - 60 Badge of Justice

#4 Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable - Moroes, Karazhan

#5 Girdle of Valorous Deeds - Heroic Black Morass

#6 Lion's Heart Girdle - Heroic Hellfire Ramparts


#1 Judicator's Legguards - Kalecgos, Sunwell Plateau

#1 Felstrength Legplates - Brutallus, Sunwell Plateau

#2 Inscribed Legplates of the Aldor - 100 Badges of Justice

#2 Lightbringer Legguards - Illidari Council, Black Temple

#2 Praetorian's Legguards - Shade of Akama, Black Temple

#3 Sunguard Legplates - 100 Badges of Justice

#3 Crystalforge Legguards - Fathom-Lord Karathress, Serpentshrine Cavern

#4 Unwavering Legguards - 75 Badges of Justice

#5 Wrynn Dynasty Greaves - The Curator, Karazhan

#6 Justicar Legguards - Gruul, Gruul's Lair


#1 Lightbringer Stompers - Felmyst, Sunwell Plateau

#1 Tide-stomper's Greaves - High Warlord Naj'entus, Black Temple

#1 Myrmidon's Treads - Shade of Akama, Black Temple

#2 Sabatons of the Righteous Defender - 60 Badge of Justice

#2 Jungle Stompers - Nalorakk, Zul'aman

#3 Boots of the Resilient - Solarian, Tempest Keep

#3 Boots of the Protector - Crafted, Blacksmithing

#3 Red Havoc Boots - Crafted, Blacksmithing, BoP

#3 Blue's Greaves of the Righteous Guardian - 75 Badge of Justice

#4 Battlescar Boots - Chess Event, Karazhan

#5 Boots of Elusion - Karazhan Trash

#6 Boots of the Righteous Path, Heroic Shattered Halls

#7 Eaglecrest Warboots, Heroic Blood Furnace


#1 Ring of Hardened Resolve - M'uru, Sunwell Plateau

#2 Ring of Sundered Souls - Morogrim Tidewalker, Serpentshrine Cavern

#2 Band of the Eternal Defender - Exalted, The Scale of the Sands

#2 Band of the Abyssal Lord - Supremus - Black Temple

#2 Ring of the Stalwart Protector - 60 Badges of Justice

#3 Violet Signet of the Great Protector - Exalted, The Violet Eye

#4 Signet of the Last Defender - Timed Chests, Zul'Aman

#4 Seventh Ring of the Tirisfalen - Tempest Keep Trash

#5 Shermanar Great Ring - Shade of Aran, Karazhan

#5 Ring of Unyielding Force - 25 Badge of Justice

#5 The Seal of Danzalar - The Lurker Below, Serpentshrine Cavern

#5 A'dal's Signet of Defense - Magtheridon Head Quest

#6 Band of Impenetrable Defenses - BoE

#6 Yor's Revenge - Yor, Heroic Mana Tombs


As your raid DPS gets higher, you need to start getting more spelldamage to keep up, but through all of KZ, 200 spelldamage is enough.

#1 Tempest of Chaos - Archimonde, Hyjal

#1 Brutal Gladiator's Gavel - Arena 2050 rating

#2 Reign of Misery - Brutallus, Sunwell Plateau

#3 Vengeful Gladiator's Gavel - Arena 1800 rating

#3 Hammer of Judgement - Hyjal Trash

#4 Blade of Twisted Visions - Zul'jin, Zul'Aman

#4 Amani Punisher - Akil'zon, Zul'Aman

#4 Fang of the Leviathan - Leotheras the Blind - Serpentshrine Cavern

#4 Merciless Gladiator's Gavel - Honor

#5 Cudgel of Consecration - Kael'thas Lolstrider, Heroic Magisters' Terrace

#6 Gladiator's Gavel - 25,200 Honor Points & 20 EotS marks

#6 Bloodmaw Magus-Blade - Gruul the Dragonkiller, Gruul's Lair

#7 Gavel of Unearthed Secrets - Lower City Exalted

#7 Blade of the Archmage - Honor Hold Exalted

#7 Stormcaller - Thrallmar Exalted


#1 Sword Breaker's Bulwark - Felmyst, Sunwell Plateau

#2 Bulwark of Azzinoth - Illidan Stormrage, Black Temple

#2 Kaz'rogal's Hardened Heart - Kaz'rogal, Hyjal

#3 Antonidas's Aegis of Rapt Concentration - Archimonde, Hyjal

#3 Vengeful Gladiator's Shields - 1,875 Arena Points, 1850 rating

#4 Kaz'rogal's Hardened Heart - Kaz'rogal, Hyjal

#4 Illidari Runeshield - Trash drop, Black Temple

#4 Aldori Legacy Defender - Gruul the Dragonkiller, Gruul's Lair

#5 Bulwark of the Amani Empire - Jan'alai, Zul'aman

#5 Merciless Gladiator's Shield Wall - 1,630 Arena Points

#5 Dawnforged Defender - Exalted Shattered Sun Offensive

#6 Shield of Impenetrable Darkness - Nightbane, Karazhan

#6 Sunward Crest - Exalted Shattered Sun Offensive

#6 Azure-Shield of Coldarra - 33 Badge of Justice

#6 Crest of the Sha'tar - The Sha'tar Exalted

#6 Gladiator's Shield Wall - Honor


#1 Tome of the Lightbringer - Mother Sharaz, Black Temple

#1 Libram of Divine Purpose - 20 Badge of Justice

#2 Libram of Repentance - 15 Badge of Justice



Commendation of Kael'thas - Priestess Delrissa, Heroic Magisters' Terrace

Figurine - Crimson Serpent - Crafted, Jewelcrafting BOP

Darkmoon Card: Vengeance - Ace-Eight of Furies

Darkmoon Card: Madness - Ace-Eight of Lunacy

Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet - SSC trash

Gnomish Poultryizer - Crafted, Engineering

Goblin Rocket Launcher - Crafted, Engineering


Shadowmoon Insignia - Gurtogg Bloodboil, Black Temple

Figurine - Empyrean Tortoise - Crafted, Jewelcrafting BOP

Guardian's Alchemist Stone -Crafted, Alchemy 350 BOP

Scarab of Displacement - Hydross the Unstable, Serpentshrine Cavern

Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch - Moroes, Karazhan

Ancient Aqir Artifact - Zul'jin, Zulaman


Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal - Exalted Ashtongue Deathsworn

Hex Shrunken Head - Hex Lord Malacrass, Zul'Aman

Icon of the Silver Crescent - 41 Badge of Justice

Tome of Fiery Redemption - Al'ar, Tempest Keep

Magtheridon's Eye - Magtheridon, Magtheridon's Lair

Darkmoon Card: Crusade - Blessings Deck

Figurine - Crimson Serpent - Crafted, Jewelcrafting BOP

Battlemaster's Audacity - 75 Badge of Justice or 30,000 Honor


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