Honors first ever blog post (pre-blogspot)
So I was going through some old files preparing to upgrade my computer and I came across a standalone webpage I made for my WoW character. This is from 3/12/2006. This was before I had Honors. I had rolled a Human Paladin named Ittai. Ittai Entry#1 : Marshal Dughan has asked me to check out rumors of Kobolds in the Jasperlode mine. After a bit a rest, I headed out for Jasperlode. The creatures of the forest seemed more fierce than the ones of my home in Northshire. I decided I needed to hone my skill with the Hammer, so I went back home to Northshire. The Defias gang still laid claim to the vinyards. I dispatched several theives, and then went for additional training with Brother Wilhelm in the Northshire Abbey. Now more ready for whatever dangers lurked in the forest, I made my way towards Goldshire. I had apprenticed as a blacksmith in my youth, and my Master had always had trouble with dwarves overcharging him for raw materials. I can't tell you how many times I heard him say h...