Shattered Sun Dailies

So let's say you just hit level 70. Congratulations! You have extraordinarily good taste and possess high intelligence so naturally you rolled a Paladin. Now that you've hit the level cap, you wish to pursue a course of putting yourself between your friends and the large scary demons and dragons that want to have them for lunch. You have a couple of basic needs. You need gold, and you need better gear. The Shattered Sun reputation rewards include a really nice shield, and an excellent neck, so you'd love to get some reputation built with the Shattered Sun. The very best way to spend your in game time may very well be Daily Quests on the Isle of Quel'Danas. Daily Quests often entail killing mobs, and for all the strengths of the Protection Paladin when we are grouped, we do give up some ability for soloing. But fear not, brave reader, for I, Knight-Lieutenant Honorshammer, Hand of A'dal, am here to help. Aside: Am I the only one who thinks the Hand of A'dal title...