[Hearthstone] Taking the Patron Control Warrior Out For a Spin
I've started taking notes on my games in an effort to figure out what I'm doing right and I'm doing wrong. Rank 18 (3 Stars) I faced a Rank 18 Warlock. He was either Malylock or Zoo, but I'm thinking Zoo because he tried to protect his creepers with a taunt so I couldn't kill them with my Death's Bite and have the deathrattle kill the little 1/1 spiders that spawn. I decided to shield slam the creeper and hit the Voidwalker with my Death's Bite. That cleared his board. I was starting to get a little behind but he tapped to bring himself down to 15 health. I played Grom plus Inner Rage (12) and Fiery War Axe (3) to burst him down, I never drew my Patrons this game. Rank 17 (1 star) I faced a Rank 17 Golden Dragon Priest. He got a fantastic start. Turn 1 Whelp, Turn 2 Agent, Turn 3 Velen's. I was behind from the word go. I think I waited too long to drop my Patron's but each turn I could use them, he would have been able to clear all of them and ...