
Showing posts from June, 2018

I KNEW this would happen

Hours after my Decision Point post went live, a major new build of the Beta/PTR went up. Because, of course it did. Shaman is improved What I read from the Shaman Discord is many of the mechanical issues with Shaman were addressed. Stormstrike got a big damage buff, as did Crash Lightning. AoE should be better and Stormstrike should feel more rewarding. Elemental Spirits got changed so all three outcomes are similar. Shamans are no longer a bit of a mess and I've opened the door a crack for the Shaman to make a last minute push to take over as my BfA main mostly because... Mongoose is back Mongoose Bite got buffed and looks to be competitive. This will delight many current Survival Hunters, but it brings back the Mongoose Fury damage window. I hated the Judgement/Colossus Smash damage window on Ret and Arms. Mongoose Fury is a little different than those so I decided to try it out on Beta/PTR. I don't play Survival today, so its not a mechanic I understand well. At ...

Decision Point

We're three weeks from prepatch and less than 60 days from Battle for Azeroth's launch. It's time to stop waffling and make a decision. I have the new main narrowed down to three: Hunter, Monk, or Shaman. I've debated the pros and cons, watched videos, and streams, and played each on Beta. First out I need to eliminate one and that's going to be the Shaman. Both DPS specs for Shaman are a bit of a mess right now. The developers did call out both specs as known trouble spots for them so there's hope the situation could improve. This is good news for the Shaman community, but I have to go on the information I have available today. I don't love playing the Shaman enough to make him my main in the hopes Enhancement and Elemental get addressed before launch, nor do I love him enough to put up with a subpar 8.0 experience in the hopes of better days in 8.1. Now, maybe the developers blow me away with the next build, and I can always change my mind later, but ...

Shaman Pros and Cons

This week, I'm going to do a post on what I see as the pros and cons of each class I'm currently considering as my new main. Under some points, you'll see a counterpoint to that pro or con. Here's your chance to make the case that I should join your class family. Tweet at me @honorshammer or leave a comment. I'm going in alphabetical order. Today, the Shaman. Shamans Pros I love all the aesthetics. I love the lightning for DPS, the water for heals, and even a little fire thrown in for flavor. The new elemental models are beautiful. Shaman sort of kind of gets a pet with every spec having Earth Elemental. Shaman can shapeshift into a Raptor with a glyph to Ghost Wolf. I don't think anyone else is planing on playing a Shaman in our group. This shouldn't matter. Shaman NPCs are awesome. There's a guy in the Exodar scenario with the fist weapons from the Hyjal raid who looks wicked cool and I've loved Myrla Stormcaller since Cataclysm....

Monk Pros and Cons

This week, I'm going to do a post on what I see as the pros and cons of each class I'm currently considering as my new main. Under some points, I've included a counterpoint to that pro or con. Here's you chance to make the case that I should join your class family. Tweet at me @honorshammer or leave a comment. I'm going in alphabetical order. Today, the Monk. Monk Pros Monks have a cool aesthetic. I like all the combat animations. Monk is the only option I'm considering that can tank. I'm looking to take a break from tanking. If I need my tanking fix in BfA, I can tank on my Horde Druid Windwalker Monks are great in M+ in Legion.. Method currently has Windwalker as a Top 5 DPS for M+. Will this carry over to BfA? The new Rising Mists talent for Mistweavers looks fun. I probably won't heal often. My Monk is an alchemist which should bring in good gold income Monk Cons I would need to level up from 52 or use a boost. I would ...

Hunter Pros and Cons

This week, I'm going to do a post on what I see as the pros and cons of each class I'm currently considering as my new main. Under some points, you'll see a counterpoint to that pro or con. Here's your chance to make the case that I should join your class family. Tweet at me @honorshammer or leave a comment. I'm going in alphabetical order. Today, the Hunter. Hunter Pros I have actually played Beast Mastery Hunter in all end game PVE content. I've done well and enjoyed it. I did do low DPS when I tried to PuG Antorus and got kicked after dying to Ruiner.  Pets are fun. You never feel you're alone in the world. I love my dinosaur pets. The new BfA Survival looks wicked cool.  BfASurvival is looking like more of a single target spec, and not strong for M+.  New Survival gets to throw bombs!! WildFire Bomb/Wildfire Infusion is not looking like the strongest build. I enjoyed Charge on my Warrior. Harpoon is the closest to Charge of any ...

Quintessential Quintet

As planned, I finished the Warrior and got the Quintessential Quintet achievement. Number 5 is alive — Honors Hammer (@HonorsHammer) June 1, 2018 The first was my Paladin. Then my Hunter. Next came the Druid. Then the Shaman. And finally, the Warrior. You might notice a pattern in my characters.