Burning Crusade Classic Protection Paladin Guide: Tank Gear Progression

Here is a general guide to MT gear progression in raids. Don't consider it definitive so by all means contest any of this. Bias is shown towards "paladin tank" gear wherever the item is viable so some "warrior" items will be omitted if they offer nothing different. Equally ranked items are about equivalent or down to personal preference and your gear makeup. One item might be very slightly better than the other but it's the sort of very minor upgrade that you'd pass over for another tank. Disclaimer: This list just a harmless bit of OCD fun that can be a useful reference and point of comparison. Please do not take all of this literally and as 'the way' without thinking what is best for you and what the encounter requires. Color coding: Phase 5 - Isle of Quel’danas and Sunwell Plateau Phase 4 - Zul'Aman Phase 3 - Battle for Mount Hyjal and Black Temple Phase 2 - Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep Phase 1 - Karahzan, Gruul’s Lair, and Magth...