I continued to explore and quest through Grizzly Hills. First on my agenda was my big meeting with Loken. It wasn't the big reveal I had been hoping for, but the guy seems to be in awful hurry. Bad guys never have patience. He'd probably kill the Overseer of Dun Algor for falling so far behind, especially after I blew up their power core, but I saved him the trouble. As I continued questing, I found yet another attempt by the Elves to grow a World Tree. This one was called Vordrassil. These guys have a serious thing for big trees. Overcompensating much? I not saying, I'm just saying, you know. Anyway, not too long after they planted the thing they cut it down. So I'm down in the trunk investigating it for a Druid at Amberpine, who can't fathom why they'd plant the thing then cut it down. I was fighting off a Saronite Horror (who, much to my disappointment, did not drop Saronite ore), and the Saronite Horror says "Yogg-Saron". Now I'm thinking...