Burning Ring of Fire

Sunday night, we took another crack at Al'ar, but first we went and one-shot Solarian. I still seem to have trouble holding the adds off the AoE, specifically a very well geared Warlock named Lontra. We can't afford to wait for consecrate to tick much because we need to get DPS onto the Priests. My consecrate hits for about 120 in my threat gear. I've heard of other Protection Paladins getting that number over 200. I wonder if you need some pieces of Teir 5 to pull that off. The Boots of the Resilient dropped but I let them go to Lanorah (Warrior). I have Sabatons of the Righteous Defender which are very comparable to the Boots of the Resilient. In my opinion, the Righteous Defender are better for a Paladin. I'm not sure which set I'd use the Resilient in, maybe an all out Stamina set. With Solarian taken care of, we went to Al'ar. We were using 5 tanks this time. 2 on adds and 3 on Al'ar himself. We were flying through Phase 1 with no problems and no de...