Single Digits
Ah Karazhan . I love the place. My favorite nights of the week are the nights I know I'm logging to lead a band of friends and Heroes into the gaping maw of the legions in Kara who want nothing more than to turn our intrepid band into worm food. Our daring crew last night consisted of Me ( Prot Paladin), Aleks ( Prot Warrior), Baconstrip ( Resto Druid), Calexis (Holy Priest), Rhubarb (Holy Paladin), Wichita (Elemental Shaman), Regolos ( Afflication Warlock), Condramous ( Stormwind Portal Mage ), Jagdelf (Beast Mastery Hunter), Origami (Feral Druid). First we meet up with the Maiden of Virtue. I know this will sound strange after my gear rant, but what I really wanted to see her drop was Gloves of the Treemender for Bacon, or even a Shard of the Virtuous for Calexis . But she was giving up neither. Instead, she drops Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden. My gloves! These are even better than my Tier 4 gloves which drop off of Curator. I was so excited, yet at the same time...